Monday, August 4, 2008

Thank you God for using me!

Tonight was awesome! First, I got to make a dinner and take it to a member of our church who is recovering from surgery. Then, I went to Starbucks with a friend from work. That in itself makes me happy, lol. But, it is exciting to be used by God. She is a christian but she has questions. I don't have answers, but God does! For those of you who really know me, you know that I did not really share my faith. I hoped I was living it for people and if a youth asked me something, I probably would answer. But, I preferred to stand behind the scenes. I was perfectly content to sell candy in the cocessions, or make the spagetti for the spagetti dnners, etc. I was not interested in stepping out of my comfort zone. I did not really have a whole lot of contact with people outside of my church. But, here in Hermitage I work. I work at Perkins. I come in contact with both christian and nonchristians every day. I have had opportunities to share my faith with many people. I had to make a choice to stand up and answer some tough questions, or step up to the opportunities God gave me on a daily basis with both customers and coworkers. I can honestly say I can do it. I liked my comfort zone but this is sooo much better. It really is! I know that these experiences are preparing for what is next.

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