So.. today I was out in the foyer of church standing with my youngest daughter Jacki. We are doing a series on life not being hopeless. Jacki stands there and reads the sign on the sign up table. It read, Life isn't hopeless." She proceeds to point at it and say "THAT ISN'T TRUE! I was shocked that she would say such a thing. I asked her why and she said because I lost my earring. The other day she was wearing her cherry earrings and she lost one. She was very upset at the time. We looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Who would have thought a pair of earrings could make someone feel hopeless. I had no idea it was even still bothering her. I of course explained to her that she did have hope. We could get a new pair of earrings or possibly still find it. But, it got me thinking, what is that one thing that pushes people over the edge and makes them think that life is hopeless? I am comforted so often that God cares about the little things, like earrings, in our lives as well as the big things! Whatever we are facing, God cares and He is our hope!