I have so much to be thankful for this holiday season. First, for Christ being born. Second, I am married to the lo
ve of my life for going on 18 years. We have actually been together for almost 21 years! That is a long time:) I have two beautiful girls who are the joy of my life. Did I just say the joy of my life? Boy, I do sound old! Thanks go out to my parents, who just picked up there lives and moved here to help and support us. Tha
t is what they have always done for me. It has never gone unnoticed! I also am thankful for my brothers. I do not see them very much but I love them and miss them alot. Thank you to my inlaws for your love and support! I am thankful for Elelment Church and all of our new friends. I am thankful for my old friends too! I am thankful for AnnLouise for 40 years of the best times. We aren't always together but we can just pick up where we left off. I want to shout out to my teachers and pastors along the way who have helped me become the woman of God that I am today. That is alot of you, I lived in alot of places:) I appreciate the love and encouragement from Pastor and Becky Leake. We love you very much. Lorie, Deb, Merissa, & Colleen, I would not have made it through some of the tough times without you. Thanks for encourageing me, and standing by me even when I was acting like a brat alot of the time! Thanks to my friends in Monroeville, Hermitage, Michigan and Philly. We miss you! All of you have played a very important part in my life and for all of you, I am truly THANKFUL!
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